VII Jornadas Juan Carlos Ruiz Morales
María Rosell de la Fuente, PhD student in FOTOAIR, attended the VII Jornadas Juan Carlos Ruiz
María Rosell de la Fuente, PhD student in FOTOAIR, attended the VII Jornadas Juan Carlos Ruiz
María Rosell de la Fuente, PhD student in FOTOAIR, attended the V QuimBioQuim
Participation of the Photo-CD team in the “European Researchers’ night 2023”
María Rosell de la Fuente, PhD student in FOTOAIR, attended the XVII Young Science Symposium
The PHOTO-CD team participated in the XXXIX Biennial of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (BZQ2023)
Presentation by Dr. Noemi Linares in Ciclo de Conferencias de la Facultad de Farmacia 2023.
The PHOTO-CD team participated in the XIII Spanish Carbohydrate Meeting
Presentation by Dr. Cristina Martín-Álvarez at “An adventure with woman scientists at UCLM”
Participation of Dr. Noemi Linares and Dr. Elena Serrano in the “European Researchers’ night 2022”
Photo-CD is a joint project between the University of Alicante and the University of Castilla-La mancha and deals with the development of novel hybrid tuneable materials.