Talk by Prof. Javier García Martínez at QUIMACOVA

The Chemical and Environmental Association of the Chemical Sector of the Valencian Community (QUIMACOVA) hosted a talk by Prof. Javier García Martínez

European Researcher’s Night 2023

Participation of the Photo-CD team in the “European Researchers’ night 2023”

Ciclo de Conferencias de la Facultad de Farmacia 2023

Presentation by Dr. Noemi Linares in Ciclo de Conferencias de la Facultad de Farmacia 2023.

Global Woman Breakfast 2023

Organisation of the Global Woman Breakfast 2023 at the University of Alicante

International day of women and girls in science

Presentation by Dr. Cristina Martín-Álvarez at “An adventure with woman scientists at UCLM”

European researcher’s night 2022

Participation of Dr. Noemi Linares and Dr. Elena Serrano in the “European Researchers’ night 2022”